Evangelist is kind of a strong word, but it beats "ukulele pusher"
because of its more reverent tone. So, uke evangelist seems fitting
when it comes to getting others to love the ukulele because one thinks
their life would be richer and more meaningful if only they would find
their way to "the uke".
I'm sure my friend Seth will find some humor in the idea of
enlightenment through ukulele, but in a small way it does bring a
measure of joy to anyone who finds it to be something worth pursuing.
I think I may now add my friend Seth to the growing number of ukulele
players in the world. My family and I were able to spend the weekend
at his house while heading down to Carolina Beach for vacation. The
nights were warm, and our kids were happily playing as the backyard
fire glowed. A perfect opportunity to strum and catch up on life. Seth
was a "quick study" on the C Am F and G7. He really picked up the
strumming patterns quickly, and in no time was playing very well. I
hope the new uke will prove to be a fun and fulfilling diversion.
Aloha, Bonanza Ukuleles
Luthier Pete Mai has announced that he'll be shuttering Bonanza Ukuleles.
Some stock remains for sale, but no new orders are being taken.
As we re...
2 days ago
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Hi from Kyle :)