Monday, April 18, 2011

Martin at Kure Beach, NC

Finally made it to Easter break at Kure Beach. The weather is beautiful after driving through some of the sadness that was caused by the recent storm. I'm taking a break to think about my teaching assignment for next year - third grade. I'll keep teaching ukulele, it just will be to a younger crowd. I put my Martin in the dune for this shot; then a bit of iPhone photo magic. Looks pretty cool there.


UP said...

Great photo of the uke. So weren't you teaching 5th grade? Do you never get to settle in?

K. Leonard said...

I have been teaching fifth grade for a while - eleven years, so this is going to be a bit different. New York State is going through a revamping of the educational system, and I find myself much more concerned about test scores than Uke Club. This is sad, but I don't see an end in sight to the testing fervor. Once I get used to this new level of intensity I may have time to focus on "fun", but for now I have to find enjoyment outside of the rigor of school.
Sorry for the diatribe...:)

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Hi from Kyle :)